Had A Long Day? Check 5 Benefits Of Taking A Hot Shower To Relax Yourself

Have you ever had a hard time deciding between a cold shower and a hot shower? Well you are not alone. A hot shower is so relaxing and hard to resist after a long day. In the hot and humid climate of India, many might say that a cold shower helps to relieve tiredness and leave a feeling of freshness. But nothing can beat those few minutes under a warm shower that relaxes your muscles, soothes your senses, and triggers a sound and peaceful sleep.

Do you know that apart from relaxation, there are many other benefits of taking a hot bath? And that is exactly what Vikram Raman, Marketing Head, Ariston Group India Pvt. Ltd tells IANSlife about the benefits of hot bath.

Bathing with hot water improves blood circulation

Similar to exercising, a hot bath increases blood flow to cells and tissues by dilating blood vessels. It stimulates your body’s thermoregulation, helping blood circulate from the core to the hands and feet. As a result, the body radiates heat and becomes calm and relaxed. Due to the dilated veins, your blood pressure decreases and you feel better.

Plus, the heat of the water can help increase blood flow, which in turn can help soothe sore or tight muscles. For an even more relaxing experience, incorporate some aromatherapy into your shower routine with essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

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hot water bath induces deep sleep

Scientists believe that taking a hot water bath 90 minutes before sleeping cools the inside of the body and warms the skin. A hot bath de-stresses the body, improves blood circulation to the brain and aids in natural thermoregulation. However, the ideal water temperature should be between 104 to 108? or 40 to 42? Which can be easily adapted by an intelligent electric geyser.

Hot bath provides a healthy skin

Taking a hot bath has many benefits for the skin, especially if you are suffering from dryness or irritation. The warmth of the water can soften and hydrate your skin, making it more receptive to the lotion or moisturizer you can apply afterward.

Additionally, warm water can help soothe any inflammation or redness, making it a great option for those suffering from conditions such as eczema or rosacea. However, avoid making the water too hot, as it can strip the skin of natural oils and lead to dryness, itchiness and premature aging. As with any aspect of your skin care routine, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust your shower temperature accordingly.

Bathing with hot water lowers blood sugar.

Research shows that regular exposure to heat through hot baths, saunas, or immersion in hot spa water may lower your chances of type 2 diabetes. As the warm water gets your circulation pumping, more glucose is pushed into your muscles and tissues, which lowers your blood sugar levels. A 2019 study also showed that prolonged warm water immersion (HWI) reduced fasting blood glucose concentration.

Bathing with hot water provides relief in cold or fever.

As the seasons change, colds and flu become more common. A hot bath has an instant curative effect on a heavy head and a stuffy nose. Warm water relaxes the constricted blood vessels near our brain, reducing pressure and headache. The steam also loosens phlegm, which clears up congestion in your nose and throat. Taking a warm bath also removes body heat and reduces fever, making you feel better.

“So, when it comes to dealing with stress and fatigue, a hot shower offers more health benefits than a cold shower. Choose an innovative water heater that can regulate your water temperature, an optimal level can sustain, reduce energy consumption, and save the planet. renewables and efficiency,” concluded Vikram Raman.