H5 bird flu for the first time in humans: A person found infected with avian influenza in America, first case since 2002

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  • A(H5) Bird Flu In Humans| A Man Infected With Avian Influenza In America| US Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) Gave This Information

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H5 bird flu has been detected for the first time in humans. The case is of a prison in Colorado, USA, where this bird flu has been confirmed in a prisoner. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gave this information. The CDC reported that an inmate in a Colorado prison has been found infected with the avian influenza A(H5) virus. This is the first case of avian flu infection in the US after 2020.

The infected person was in contact with poultry
According to the news agency Reuters, this person was in direct contact with Poultry. He used to kill birds infected with H5N1 bird flu. Suddenly he became ill. When he got sick, he was believed to have got the H5N1 bird flu. When he was sick, he started feeling tired. The CDC took a sample from his nose during treatment on April 27, which said that he had H5N1 bird flu. However, the agency has not specified the subtype of this virus. At present, that person has been kept in isolation and is being treated with the flu antiviral oseltamivir.

officials gave assurance
Rachel Hurlihy, an epidemiologist at the Department of Public Health in Colorado, said: “We want to reassure the people of Colorado that they are at low risk from the flu. Rachel said, “I express my gratitude to CDC, the Department of Corrections and the Department of Agriculture for their cooperation as we continue to monitor this virus and ensure the safety of all Colorado citizens.”

Avian flu is caused by contact with infected animals
Avian influenza mainly occurs in wild birds and chickens, it is very rare to find it in humans. The H5N1 and H7N9 strains of bird flu, which were found in 1997 and 2013, are responsible for cases of avian influenza in humans, according to the US Centers for Disease Control.

According to the WHO, this influenza is transmitted to humans by coming in infected animals or in a polluted environment, but the possibility of spreading this virus to humans is less.

Such a case also came in China
Recently, the first case of the H3N8 strain of avian flu was reported in a human in the central Henan province of China. According to the National Health Commission there, a 4-year-old child was found infected with avian flu. However, it was also said by the Health Commission that the risk of its rapid spread to humans is low. H3N8 avian flu infects dogs, horses, ducks, poultry and cats. It is less likely to infect humans.

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