Gyanvapi Mosque Case: Close Off Area Where Shivling Found, Says UP Court

Water was drained from the pond today, claimed a lawyer for the petitioners, and a “Shivling” was found


Shortly after a stunning claim that a “Shivling” had been found in a pond within the Gyanvapi Masjid complex in Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi, a court today ordered it closed off to the public.

The “Shivling” or relic of Lord Shiva was found on the last day of the court-mandated filming of the mosque complex following a petition seeking access to pray at a shrine behind the mosque.

This morning, water was drained from the pond and a “Shivling” was found, claimed Subhash Nandan Chaturvedi, the lawyer representing a group of Hindu women who have sought year-long access to pray at the shrine.

The pond, which is used for the Islamic “Wuzu” or purification rituals, must be sealed after the find, the petitioners requested the court. The court accepted the plea and ordered the Varanasi District Magistrate to ensure that the pond is not used, for now.

The court also said the District Magistrate, the police chief and a top Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) officer would make sure no one entered the sealed area.

Reports of a “shivling” being found within the mosque complex were not confirmed by the Varanasi District Magistrate, Kaushal Raj Sharma, when he spoke to the media earlier.

“No details of the survey of Gyanvapi mosque were disclosed by any member of the commission. The court is the custodian of the information about the survey. One member was debarred from the commission for about a few minutes yesterday, later admitted to the commission, ” Mr Sharma had told reporters.

The Gyanvapi mosque is located close to the iconic Kashi Vishwanath temple. The five women petitioners have asked the court to allow daily prayers before idols on its outer walls as well as other “visible and invisible deities within the old temple complex”.

The site is currently open for prayers once a year.

The Varanasi Civil Court then ordered a video assessment of the mosque complex, including three domes, underground basements and the pond, and appointed a court commissioner for the task.

A part of this survey took place on May 6 but was halted after a dispute broke out over filming inside the mosque. The mosque committee said the court had not ordered videography inside the mosque.

The court-ordered filming was challenged before Allahabad High Court, which dismissed the case in April. The High Court order was challenged in the Supreme Court.

A lawyer representing the Gyanvapi Mosque trust that approached the Supreme Court against the filming order said it is at odds with the Places of Worship Act, 1991. The Supreme Court refused to stop the filming but agreed to consider listing the plea against the survey of the mosque complex.
