Governor Ganeshi Lal says that the ornaments of Odisha are the sensitivity and smile of the people here. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: Orissa Governor Ganeshi Lal speaks on Odisha, its policies, education, culture and more. Part:
On the experience of Odisha…
Before assuming the office of Governor, I had a very different and depressing picture in my mind, though I had visited the state twice. But it was completely wrong. It is a land of beauty, love and peace. The sensitivity and smile of the people here are the jewels of Odisha. The soul of Orissa is that which is never defeated. even if a Chandashok defeats it on the battlefield, the state has the power to replace it Dharmashok. The same spirit persists even today. It is holistic and inclusive.
Odisha as an emerging education hub…
It is already a center and is on the road to prosperity ahead. There are many institutes that attract students from all over the country and the world. Since other basic bases are strong, so will the state go ahead. Its surroundings and ecosystem are positive. Utkal University of Culture is unique in India, while Tribal University (KISS) is unique in the whole world.
On the education system of the country…
More attention should be paid to primary education. Government spending on primary education should be 4:1 as compared to the rest. If good primary education is provided, the rest will automatically line up. It is more like investing more on the foundation than the beautification of a house.
On in-person learning vs digital education…
For younger schoolchildren, in-person teaching is more important. Physical contact is important. No digital device can replace it. As students get older, digital tools can be very helpful. This can reduce costs and increase reach.
How to bridge the digital divide, as the poor can’t afford smartphones and laptops…
Efforts are already underway. Teachers are visiting students’ homes in Odisha. More than 40 crore people in the country have Jan Dhan accounts. Every family would like to spend some money on the education of the children. While they will try to pull whatever they can afford, the central and state governments can support them through these accounts.
In Indian examination system where cramming is given more importance…
He’s changing. Now, many exams are giving importance to analytical and problem-solving skills. Things are improving. The new education policy will change this further.
Regarding the impact of Kovid on education…
Slowly, evidence is emerging that the coronavirus is man-made. It is not a gift of nature. This is a mischief done by some people of a particular country who probably want to make everyone else their slave and want to establish their supremacy. Most countries have isolated the country that did so. The politics of murder never succeeds. Ultimately, the rapist will have to suffer. The world has learned to deal with it. We are air conditioned. This disease will go away after vaccination. Life will come back on track, education will also be there.
On whether he is pointing towards China.
This is an open secret. I don’t need to name it.
On his advice to students?
Too much career planning from friends and family is bad. Students should be encouraged to be their natural self so that they can try something new. We often make the mistake of telling kids to be someone else (a more successful person). That should not be the approach. No two persons can be alike. We should stop telling students that they are the future citizens of the country. No one has seen the future. We should tell them that today is the day. They should do what they are supposed to do now.
On the stable government of Odisha…
As far as my government is concerned, it is federal in character and unitary in spirit. Here the state government and the center are not face to face with each other. We love them and they love us. We admire them and they admire us. We follow the policies of the central government. We never collide with them. However, for the upliftment of the people of this state, we have also started some policies and schemes like KALIA (Cash Transfer Scheme for Farmers) and Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (Health Assurance Scheme), which are different from the Centre.
On Centre-State relations…
When the Prime Minister came to assess the damage caused by it Cyclone Yasi, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik It was great when he talked to her. He said that when the country is fighting the pandemic, he will not burden the PM by demanding money. The CM did not ask for a single penny. But the Prime Minister gave Rs 500 crore to ensure that the people of Odisha live comfortably.


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