Government may check import of key sanitizer ingredients – Times of India

New Delhi: India’s Directorate of Trade Remedies has recommended the use of safeguards on a key ingredient used in making hand sanitizers and cosmetics for two years to check imports if they go beyond a specified level. Quantitative restriction has been proposed for the first time.
In its recommendations to the Government, Director General of Business Remedies (DGTR) noted that imports increased, which was undercutting domestic prices.

“The domestic industry has suffered serious injury, as established by a significant decline in its overall performance with respect to parameters such as market share, production, sales, capacity utilization and profitability, with a sharp decline in the recent period. has come.” He said the increase was due to unforeseen circumstances.
Recognizing the rise was partly driven by the demand for hand sanitisers during covidThe DGTR said that the proposed action on isopropyl alcohol by the government can be stopped in the event of the outbreak of the epidemic.
