Government doctors in Kerala will start a permanent agitation against the reduction in allowance. Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Government doctor in Thiruvananthapuram Kerala Will launch a relay standing movement in front of the Secretariat here to protest the recent discrepancies in his allowances and alleged cuts in certain benefits.
Despite their relentless fight against Covid-19 for the past several months, the complaints of the doctor community were ignored by the government and their eligible allowances were cut, the Kerala Government Medical Officers Association (Kovid) said.KGMOA) said here on Saturday.
As the health sector of the state is facing acute shortage of human resource, doctors have to face many challenges ranging from mental pressure to overtime duty schedule to give their best in COVID and post covid treatment, it noted.
Not only were doctors and health workers denied risk allowances, but there was no increase in that proportion when the pay revision came and many of their allowances were withdrawn. KGMO President Dr GS Vijayakrishnan alleged.
He said that though the doctors had earlier organized several symbolic agitations, the government ignored all such strikes and the permanent agitation was part of their plan to intensify their protest, he said.
Former Chairman of KGMO S Pramila Devi Will inaugurate the movement in front of the Secretariat on November 1.
Hundreds of doctors from family health centers to district health centers across the state would be part of the protest, he said, adding that doctors would go on mass casual leave on November 16 if the authorities ignored the agitation.
