Google Tracks Highest Amount Of Data Among All Tech Giants, Study Shows

Last Updated: August 22, 2022, 19:44 IST

Mountain View, California

Google's business model is based on advertising, which requires user data.

Google’s business model is based on advertising, which requires user data.

The report mentioned that Google harvests all of this data since its entire business model relies on data. Twitter and Facebook both save more information than they need to, Apple is the most privacy conscious firm out of all.

Search giant Google has been found to be tracking the highest amount of data of its users, according to a study published recently. The Mountain View, California-based tech giant is said to have the highest amount of data collection among all big tech companies.

According to an analysis conducted by, Google harvests the most information about its users, more than the likes of Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Twitter, and more. The study shows that Google keeps a track of 39 types of private information for every user. “Most people don’t possess the time or the patience to go through privacy policies that could be multiple pages long for every site they browse. Additionally, it is unlikely that every user has any knowledge in law to fully comprehend the privacy guidelines,” a researcher from was quoted as saying.

The researcher also said that this means that users are able to allow Google to access all the information they require by accepting the privacy policies.

The report mentioned that Google harvests all of this data since its entire business model relies on data. Twitter and Facebook both save more information than they need to, Apple is the most privacy conscious firm out of all.

The report shows that Apple only stores information that is necessary to maintain users’ accounts. This is because their website is not reliant on advertising revenue like Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Google collects more types of information on individual users. The firm uses this data for targeted advertising.

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