Google, Microsoft not suing each other over ‘treaty’ – Times of India

Microsoft and Google The two biggest tech companies in the world are and are rivals in some places where they end up bumping into each other. Back in 2015, the two companies had signed an ‘agreement’ under which they agreed not to sue each other. Now, according to a report in The Financial Times, both the companies have decided to terminate the agreement.
The report said that the agreement was to be renewed in April 2021, but the two companies decided not to continue. The report cited sources who claim that the deal did not lead to better cooperation between the two firms.
At the time the agreement was signed – in 2015 – there were about 20 international cases in which Google and Microsoft were embroiled. With the signing of the agreement, they all ended and the two firms reached an agreement – reportedly including financial arrangements.
The Financial Times reports that a source claimed the deal benefited Google more than Microsoft. It was alleged that Microsoft working with Google meant Android Apps running on Windows. It wasn’t until recently that Microsoft announced windows 11 and said that Android apps will run on it. However, Android apps on Windows 11 need to be downloaded from the Amazon App Store and not from the Google Play Store.
One of the other reasons is the anti-trust inquiries that big tech companies in America are facing. Several measures are being proposed in the US to curb the clout and power of tech companies. google – together Apple and others – these measures have a ‘target’ but interestingly Microsoft is not part of the companies that are being looked into.


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