Google Layoffs: Employee Takes leave to Care for his Mother With Terminal Cancer, Company Abruptly Fired him

New Delhi: A Google employee who left the firm to care for her dying mother was laid off. Paul Baker, who held the position of video production manager at Google, revealed that he was let go during carer leave. His laptop had lost connection, but when he checked in using his home computer, he learned that he too had recently been removed. Dozens of stories have been published that show how sudden layoffs can affect people’s lives.

A woman was fired while she was still in the hospital after giving birth. Similar circumstances resulted in loss of employment for the other partner. Baker reveals that his mother had terminal cancer and he has taken a month off from work to care for her. While on leave, his acquaintance told him about the layoff. ,Also Read: Looking For Monthly Return Policy? This SBI scheme can fulfill your wish: Check interest, tenure and other details,

Baker realized that his work laptop was disconnected shortly after the mass layoffs were announced, so he turned to his home laptop to check his mail. He learned at that point that the layoffs affected him as well. ,Also read: ‘Why me? Why now?’: 8-month pregnant IT employee writes heart-wrenching post after being fired from Google,

“After reading many heartwarming/inspirational stories and knowing that 12,000 Google employees will be laid off on Friday, I am ready to share my experience. I lost my job as well as a seriously ill member of my close family. Lost caregiver leave for member. After the first shock, the sadness set in as I missed the people. I miss being fully engrossed in the Google culture and career,” Baker wrote on LinkedIn.

According to Baker, he often worried that Google had too many employees. He anticipated that the business would implement other cost-cutting initiatives as opposed to the layoffs. Because he worked for Google Ads, a department that generates income for the corporation, he believed he would be safe.