Good News for Delhi University ad-hoc, Temporary Teachers: Manish Sisodia Writes to DU VC Advising Absorption as Regular Staff

New Delhi: Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia has written a letter to the Vice Chancellor of Delhi University, Professor Yogesh Singh, expressing concern over the displacement of about 70 percent ad hoc and temporary teachers during the ongoing interview for assistant professors in various colleges of the state. university. In his letter, Manish Sisodia wrote, “The ongoing interviews for assistant professors in various Delhi University colleges have been disastrous as displacement of nearly 70 per cent ad-hoc and temporary teachers has been reported.

These teachers are contributing to the corporate life of the colleges and the loss of experienced teachers will adversely affect the teaching and learning in the colleges.

Many of these teachers have been teaching in Delhi University colleges for decades. They understand the challenges of an institution like Delhi University, which deals with students from different parts of the country with diverse linguistic backgrounds and academic experiences. The experience of teaching in the classroom cannot be replaced.

“Therefore, it is important to continue these teachers in Delhi University. In 28 Delhi Government Colleges, where Delhi Government has designated Governing Body (GB), we are responsible for ad hoc and temporary teachers working in them. Ordinance XVIII- 4 (a) provides for appointments of teaching staff to be made by the governing body. In our 28 colleges, we intend to go ahead with the absorption of ad hoc and temporary teachers”, he continued.

Sisodia concluded, “The Temp Ord XIII A (1977-78) will be revived to implement the absorption of ad-hoc and temporary teachers by the GBs of these colleges. Recently the Punjab government has absorbed such teachers and staff Therefore, we request you to facilitate the absorption of ad-hoc and temporary teachers in these colleges in which our GB will extend its support.”