Good Friday 2023: Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Images, Facebook & Whatsapp Status, Significance & more

good friday 2023
Image source: Freepik good friday 2023

Good Friday 2023: It commemorates the final hours of Jesus’ life, his crucifixion and death, as described in the Christian Bible. A gazetted holiday in India, the day occurs on the Friday before Easter. Also known as Holy Friday, it is one of the most important festivals celebrated by Christians across the globe. People go to church on this day to mourn deeply to repent for the sacrifices made by Jesus Christ.

Good Friday is an important event in Christianity, as it represents the sacrifices and sufferings in the life of Jesus. The crucifixion was the culmination of several events in Holy Week, including the triumphal return of Jesus to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday; Jesus washes the feet of his disciples; and the Last Supper of Jesus on Maundy Thursday. The date of Easter depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the March equinox.

Significance of Good Friday

On this day, the eyes of the whole Church are fixed on the Cross at Calvary. Each member of the Church tries to understand at what cost Christ has won our redemption. In the sacred ceremonies of Good Friday, in the adoration of the cross, in the chanting of the ‘condemnation’, in the reciting of the Passion, and in receiving the pre-eminent host, the disciples of Christ unite themselves with their Saviour, and they are united with the Lord. In his death, he considers his death as a sin.

Good Friday 2023: Rituals

Many Christians in India attend special church services or pray on Good Friday. Some people observe fast on this day or even give up non-vegetarian food. Many Christians organize parades or open-air plays to depict the last days and hours of Jesus’ life in some areas of India.

Good Friday is a day of sorrow, with churches empty and dark. Services are held in the afternoon. Many churches have a bitter drink prepared from the leaves, vinegar, and other ingredients. This drink is for everyone to taste after serving.

Top 5 Quotes on Good Friday:

“To stone the prophets and later to erect churches in their memory has been the way of the world through the ages. Today we worship Christ, but Christ we crucified.” -Mahatma Gandhi

“No pain, no toad; no thorn, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.” -William Penn

“The cross was an expression of divine love without limits or boundaries, but it was also an expression of man’s unspeakable malice.” -Sir Robert Anderson

The word “Christianity” is already a misnomer—there has really only been one Christian, and he died on the cross.” —Friedrich Nietzsche

“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not only in books but on every leaf in the spring.” – Martin Luther

Good Friday: Wishes and Messages

May the love of Jesus fill your heart with heavenly joy and holy desires. Wishing you a holy Good Friday.

India Tv - Good Friday 2023

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India Tv - Good Friday 2023

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India Tv - Good Friday 2023

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India Tv - Good Friday 2023

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India Tv - Good Friday 2023

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