Goa Police files chargesheet against Poonam Pandey, Sam Bombay in porn video case

Goa Police files chargesheet against Poonam Pandey, Sam Bombay in porn video case
Image Source : insta/sambombe

Goa Police files chargesheet against Poonam Pandey, Sam Bombay in porn video case

Goa Police has filed a chargesheet against model-actress Poonam Pandey and her estranged husband Sam Bombay for allegedly shooting an obscene video in the coastal state in 2020. The chargesheet was filed last week before Judicial Magistrate First Class. Canacona Police Inspector Praveen Gavas told PTI on Tuesday that a case has been registered in Canacona under various sections related to obscenity, trespass and dissemination of obscene videos.

Pandey and Bombay were booked in November 2020 for allegedly shooting obscene videos and circulating on social media platforms at the state-owned Chapoli Dam in Canacona area, the official said.

Thereafter both were arrested and later released on bail.

Gavas said the police recorded the statements of 39 witnesses, who will be examined by the court during the trial of the case.

Pandey and Bombay were charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code 447 (criminal trespass), 292, 293 (obscenity) and 294 (speaking any obscene song or word in a public place) as well as provisions of obscene representation of women. Huh. (Prohibition) Act, 1986 and the Information Technology Act.