Global approval to Covaxin soon: WHO’s Chief Scientist said – Bharat Biotech’s vaccine data is satisfactory; Its overall efficiency is also very high

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Washington3 hours ago

In the fight against Corona, India’s indigenous vaccine Covaxin may soon get approval from the World Health Organization (WHO). It has been prepared by Hyderabad-based company Bharat Biotech in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

This vaccine has also been considered effective by the Chief Scientist of WHO. WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said that the data of the trial of Covaxin looks satisfactory. Since then, the hopes of getting WHO approval for Covaxin have increased.

Pre-submission meeting was held on 23rd June
In an interview to CNBC TV-18, Swaminathan told that the pre-submission meeting between Bharat Biotech and WHO was held on 23 June and now the data of its trial is being collected. He said that Kovaxin is less effective on the delta variant of Corona, yet it has proved to be effective to a large extent. The overall efficacy of this vaccine is very high.

WHO had approved the EOI
Earlier, the Expression of Interest (EOI) of Bharat Biotech was accepted by WHO. The company submitted the EOI on April 19 to get approval for Covaxin.

Covaxin up to 77.8% effective
Bharat Biotech released the data of the third phase of the vaccine trial on last Saturday i.e. June 26. It was told that Covaxin is up to 77.8% effective on symptomatic people. It was told that this vaccine is up to 93.4% effective against cases with severe symptoms. However, its efficiency proved to be 65.2% in terms of providing protection against the Delta variant.

What is the significance of WHO’s emergency use approval?

  • The WHO’s Emergency Use Listing examines the safety and effectiveness of a health product in a public health emergency such as a pandemic. The WHO gave emergency use approval to Pfizer’s vaccine on 31 December 2020, Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vaccine on 15 February 2021 and Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine on 12 March.
  • According to the WHO, in view of the emergency, it is necessary to develop and approve medicines, vaccines and diagnostic tools as soon as possible. That too while meeting the standards of safety, efficiency and quality. This assessment ensures the usefulness of these products to a wider range of people during the pandemic.

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