Ginger is your best friend this winter season; know the health benefits of this root

Health Benefits of Ginger: Ginger is a staple ingredient in every Indian kitchen. It is usually added to tea to give it a stronger flavor. Ginger has various health benefits. Additionally, it can appear in the variety of dishes you prepare. It has powerful therapeutic properties and hence ginger is commonly consumed as a winter food.

To deal with the bitter cold, you must make changes to your diet and certain foods and beverages naturally help you stay warm. Consume ginger in winter. It will also provide you with many health benefits.

Following are 5 reasons to include ginger in your winter diet today:

1. Provides relief from joint pain

Since ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps reduce swelling. It may be useful for managing the symptoms of arthritis. Consuming it regularly can provide relief from pain and inflammation. This will not make your pain go away quickly but if you consume it orally or apply it directly on your skin, it will gradually reduce your discomfort.

2. Helps fight cold and flu symptoms

As the temperature drops, sneezing and coughing become common. This is because the flu and common cold are more likely to co-occur in the winter months. Ginger has long been used as a home remedy for cold and flu. Various dishes and beverages can benefit from the addition of fresh ginger juice or grated fresh ginger.

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3. Aids in digestion

Gingerol is a naturally occurring compound found in ginger. Many people also use it to enhance overall digestion.

4. Relieves Congestion

In winter, there is a problem of congestion for many people. Ginger can get rid of both swelling and congestion. In case of cold or cough, mix a few drops of ginger juice in half a teaspoon of honey and consume this medicine before sleeping. Thanks to this, you will feel better in just a day.

5. Helps Lower Cholesterol

Your “bad” or LDL cholesterol levels can be controlled with a daily intake of ginger.

Tips to include ginger in your winter diet

Include finely grated or chopped ginger in your daily dose of tea.

Ginger in curries, dishes and other home-cooked meals.

– Ginger pickle.

Ginger in juice.

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Although ginger has many benefits, it can make your blood even thinner if you are already using blood thinners. Therefore, if you also use anti-inflammatory drugs or blood thinners, it is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming ginger.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not endorse it.)