Get healthy skin by including these 8 foods in your diet

Don’t we all want an even-toned skin that’s free of acne, breakouts, and wrinkles? Skin care goals can be achieved by following a proper routine along with attention to diet. If healthy skin is one of your New Year’s resolutions, here are 8 foods you should add to your diet, from eggs and nuts to kiwis and green tea.


Eggs contain protein that helps repair skin tissue, while multivitamins and lutein help keep the skin hydrated. Eating eggs provides complete nutrition to the skin, and there are many ways to include eggs in your diet. Egg salad, omelet, boiled, fried etc. are some of the ways to consume it. Do not remove the egg yolk as it contains fatty acids which can provide moisture and desired glow to the skin.

dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains minerals like copper, zinc and iron that help in removing dead skin cells. It also reduces sun damage and provides a smooth texture to the skin. It is a treat with amazing benefits.


Eating nuts is one of the best ways to provide your skin with all the essential nutrients, while also filling your stomach. Replace your munchies with nuts like walnuts, cashews, almonds and pistachios. Walnuts are rich in B vitamins and help reduce wrinkles and give an even tone to the skin. Whereas almonds which are rich in Vitamin E which hydrate the skin and allow it to breathe.

Cashews are rich in vitamin E, selenium and zinc, and lead to healthy and happy skin. It reduces inflammation and heals the damaged skin areas. Pistachios help in reducing the problem of acne.

chia seeds

Chia seeds contain omega-3, which is essential for providing the necessary nutrition to the skin. You can add chia seeds to your smoothie or bowl of cornflakes and see how they affect your skin.


From making hummus to simply boiling and adding spices, chickpeas, which are rich in magnesium, can be consumed in a variety of delicious ways. It gives a smooth texture to the skin by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and acne marks.


Tomatoes contain an antioxidant that slows down the aging process of the skin and provides protection against sun damage. Tomatoes can be consumed in the form of salads, sauces, sandwiches, vegetables etc.


Kiwi ensures the circulation of oxygen, thus helping to reduce dark circles, prevent drying of the skin and make it healthy.

green tea

Green tea, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich properties, can provide much-needed protection to the skin. It controls pimples, acne, and also reduces wrinkles and fine lines, giving the skin a smooth texture.

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