German Parliament elects Olaf Scholz to succeed Angela Merkel as new Chancellor

New Delhi: Olaf Scholz will replace Angela Merkel as Germany’s new chancellor, after securing a majority of 395 out of 736 delegates votes in a parliamentary vote on Wednesday morning.

Scholz would lead a liberal-left “traffic light” coalition government consisting of his Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens and the Liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP), the first power-sharing of its kind in Germany since 1957. There is arrangement.

According to Bundestag President Barbel Bass, 63-year-old Scholz, who served in Merkel’s coalition as vice-chancellor and finance minister, received a decisive majority of 395 votes in the Bundestag lower house of parliament.

When Parliament elected Scholz as the next chancellor, wearing a black face mask, he received standing ovations from MPs and presented bouquets of flowers and an apple basket from leaders of various parliamentary groups.

Scholz was formally nominated by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the neighboring Bellevue Palace before returning to parliament to take the oath of office before members of parliament, following the democratic procedures outlined in Germany’s Basic Law.

In the midst of dealing with a dreadful fourth wave of coronavirus infections and authoritarian administrations threatening its democratic system, Merkel will hand over a chancellorship to a country’s next leader in the afternoon.

Scholz has positioned himself as Merkel’s logical successor and a safe pair of hands to guide Germany in dealing with everything from climate catastrophe to a more hostile Russia and a more assertive China, to their down-to-earth Thank you for the meaning and no-nonsense behavior. ,

Scholz will lead an unusual three-way federal ruling coalition with pro-spending, eclectic Greens and fiscally conservative, liberal Free Democrats (FDPs) – hitherto unimaginable political bedfellows.

(with inputs from agencies)
