Ganga: VHP, BD warn non-Hindus against entering ghats Varanasi News – Times of India

VARANASI: Several posters banning entry of non-Hindus at Ghats Ganges On Thursday, the Ganges appeared on the walls of buildings along the ghats. These posters were pasted by the workers of Vishwa Hindu Parishad And Bajrang Dali,
BD’s city coordinator Nikhil Tripathi ‘Rudra’ said that through these posters a message is given to those who consider the ghats of the Ganges as picnic spots. “This is a warning for them to stay away from the Ghats” mother gangaBecause it is not a picnic spot but a symbol of Sanatan culture.
VHP city ​​secretary Rajan Gupta Also said that those who do not have respect for Sanatan Dharma, should not come to the ghats and temples. “If they respect Sanatan Dharma, we welcome them,” he said.
The poster also reads that ‘this is not a request but a warning’.
Earlier, VHP and BD activists also demonstrated in front of a church in Chandmari area on the eve of New Year celebrations and recited Hanuman Chalisa.
