Ganesh Chaturthi 2021: Here’s How To Stay Safe And Celebrate Ganesh Utsav COVID-19

As the pandemic continues and new forms are being discovered, festivals and gatherings have become a cause for fear. States celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi have issued their individual protocols to contain the spread of the virus, but it is mostly up to the devotees to know and act accordingly. The virus prevents us from being within a distance of 6 inches with another person, and yet festivals see huge crowds throng around idols and celebrate without worry.

Reading: Ganesh Chaturthi 2021: Date, Auspicious Time, Worship Method and Significance

Soon, the cases start rising and the country goes under lockdown. To prevent another such situation from repeating itself, we have put together a list of precautionary measures so that Ganesh Chaturthi can be celebrated and we stay healthy and safe too. read along:

avoid the crowd

A few days before the start of the festival, the markets are crowded for shopping. To avoid this material can be ordered online this year. If it is absolutely necessary to step out, it is advised that masks should be worn at all times, hand sanitizers should be used frequently, and safe distance should be maintained.

Reading: Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 2021: Images, Wishes, Quotes, Messages and WhatsApp Wishes to Share on Ganesh Utsav

Opt for Online Ritual Service

Due to the massive spread of the virus, even pundits are offering ritual service online. Cities like Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur and Nashik have options for pandit worshiping through Zoom calls or Google Meet. In this way, the travel of the person and the risk of COVID-19 can be reduced.

Online darshan of temples

The temples, which were closed due to the pandemic, have come up with online darshan links, through which you can get the real experience of visiting the temple, performing aarti and seeking blessings from the Lord. In this way, crowd of devotees can also be curbed and social distancing can be followed effectively.

go for home immersion

Choose small and simple Ganesh idols that can be immersed in a tub at home. When large idols are taken for immersion in water bodies, they require huge crowding and often pollute the environment. Crowds can be avoided and rituals can also be followed by opting for immersion at home.

It is necessary to follow all the precautionary measures put forth by the state governments. Together, we can stop the spread of the virus, so that from next time onwards, we can go out and have all the fun we need. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!

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