Gaming: Tencent has some ‘bad’ news for kids in China – Times of India

late night Gambling Slowly but steadily growing as online gaming has become a big thing with so many options that it allows, the most convenient is the smartphone. It’s easy to log in and jump in some virtual fun alone or alone, all you need is an internet connection whenever you want it. This is a trend now and, like those guilty pleasures, usually in society, especially if the perpetrators become children. TencentOne of the biggest investors in the gaming sector has decided to take note of this and implement some restrictions for children in China. Which part of the world do you think is most likely to be imposed with such a ban?
The company announced that it will not allow anyone under the age of 18 to play mobile video games under its banner after 10 pm and before 8 am the next day. And how to check if the person logging in is underage or not? through facial recognition. Anyone who tries to log in between 10 PM and 8 AM will be asked for a face recognition Check with smartphone camera. You can call it a sleep enforcement rule in a country that seeks to discipline children to inculcate good sleeping habits. Note that Tencent has a lot of mobile titles circulating over 50 or 60 lists, and this move, even if dire, could work in a country that has a large gamer base, whether Be it on mobile or PC.
Tencent wouldn’t want to lose its player base and the amount of time it spends on its game, right? The move to curb late-night gaming seems to have been taken under pressure from the Chinese government, which may have had its own motive to use face recognition technology to detect who attempted to enter the game. It’s more than simple to do to prevent whether the person is underage or not. gaming addiction.


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