From malaria to typhoid: Here’s how you can protect yourself from monsoon diseases

The monsoon season brings with it a pleasant respite from the scorching and scorching heat. The greenery intensifies and the intoxicating smell of the wet earth lingers.

Unfortunately, monsoon also lowers our immunity and brings with it various diseases and threats to our health. To avoid them, you need to prepare in advance. Preeti Goel, Medical Director, WeHealth by Aitna, shares some of the conditions prevalent this season, and some tips to prevent them:

Heavy fluctuations in temperature and high humidity during this season make a person vulnerable to several viruses that cause colds and flu. During this, taking nutritious diet and immunity-boosting foods, avoiding junk food and drinking plenty of water goes a long way in protecting against viral infections. Herbal tea and warm honey water also work to protect the upper respiratory tract. Adequate sleep and physical exercise are sure shot ways to boost immunity.

Mosquitoes, mites, bacteria, viruses and fungi like humans also like monsoon. This is the breeding season for mosquitoes and mites that can transmit diseases such as dengue, malaria and scrub typhus. Avoid any stagnation of water in and around your homes and encourage others to be aware of the same. In case of fever, contact the doctor immediately.

During this time, typhoid and hepatitis A also become more prevalent due to contaminated food/water. Use only filtered or boiled water and do not use water stored for more than 24 hours.

Eat freshly cooked, light meals. Avoid raw vegetables, especially leafy vegetables, and check all vegetables and fruits for soil, larvae, rot, etc., before eating them. Wash all agricultural products thoroughly.

Fungal infections of feet are another problem especially for this season. Clean and dry your feet thoroughly every day, especially after soaking in rainwater/soil. Avoid wearing wet shoes for a long time.

Wash your clothes regularly and sun-dry them whenever possible and/or iron them before use. It kills the fungal spores and prevents fungal infections of the skin.

For allergy-prone individuals, the monsoon season can trigger or exacerbate their symptoms. Avoid exposure to known allergens and keep prescribed anti-allergy medicines on hand at all times.

By keeping these small tips in mind, you can make monsoon pleasant and memorable.

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