Friendship is intact: Israel will recognize India’s Kovid certificate, ready to do free trade agreement in 2022

New Delhi15 minutes ago

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Doubts were being raised about the continuation of its friendship with India after the change of power in Israel. But on Monday it became clear that their friendship was intact.

On the one hand, Israel has agreed to recognize India’s certificate of Kovid-19 vaccine, while on the other hand it has also agreed to sign a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the two countries in the middle of 2022.

The decision was taken in the meeting of foreign ministers
External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar held a meeting with Israel’s Foreign Minister Yar Lapid on Monday. In the meeting, India and Israel agreed to recognize each other’s Kovid-19 certificates.

It was also agreed to set mutual terms before signing the FTA in mid-2022. For this, both the countries will resume the ongoing talks from November.

Jaishankar reached Israel on Sunday on a three-day visit. He also thanked the Israeli Foreign Minister for being a part of his country’s International Solar Alliance. This alliance has been formed on the initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose headquarter is in Gurugram.

Israeli industrialists invited to invest
Earlier on Sunday, Jaishankar had a meeting with the members of the Israel Chambers of Commerce. During this, he invited Israeli industrialists to invest in India. Jaishankar shared the information of this meeting through a tweet.

He wrote, “Had a very fruitful meeting with the Israeli Chambers of Commerce and the innovation ecosystem there.” Their visible eagerness to partner with India is something to be admired. We have a number of post-Covid priorities for mutual cooperation, including digital, health, agriculture and green growth.

This would be the advantage of recognizing the certificate

  • Traveling to such a country does not have to be quarantine
  • There is no compulsion to conduct Kovid-19 test on arrival
  • Special rules related to Corona do not have to be followed
  • There is ease in mutual movement in the era of Corona
  • Easy way for those traveling for studies and business

Recognition of certificates given by more than 30 countries

Before Israel, about 30 countries have recognized India’s Kovid-19 vaccination certificate on the basis of mutual consent. Hungary and Serbia were the most recent names in the list, information of which was shared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs earlier this month.

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