Formation of Afghan government to be announced on September 4: Taliban spokesman

The formation of a new Afghan government by the Taliban, which was to be announced on Friday, has now been delayed by a day, according to rebel spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid.

Mujahid said that the announcement of the formation of the new government would now be made on Saturday.

Sources said Qatar Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the president of the Taliban’s political office, Doha, is likely to be the head of the Taliban government.

More than two weeks after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, radical Islamists are set to announce the formation of a new government in Kabul on the lines of the Iranian leadership, with the group’s top religious leader Mullah Hebatullah Akhundzada as Afghanistan’s highest official. Will be Senior member of the group has said.

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Mufti Inamulla Samangani, a senior official at the Taliban’s Information and Culture Commission, said: “The discussions on the new government are almost finalized, and the necessary discussions about the cabinet have also taken place.”

In Iran, the supreme leader is the country’s highest political and religious authority. He ranks above the President and appoints the heads of the military, government, and judiciary. The supreme leader has the ultimate authority in the political, religious and military affairs of the country.

“Mulla Akhunzada will be the leader of the government and there should be no question about it,” he said, indicating that the president would act under his supervision.

Mullah Akhunzada is the Taliban’s top religious leader and has been serving in a mosque in the Kachlaq area of ​​Balochistan province for 15 years.

Samangani said that under the new government structure, the governors would control the provinces, while the district governors would be in charge of their respective districts.

The Taliban has already appointed governors, police chiefs and police commanders for provinces and districts.

He said the name of the new regime, the national flag and the national anthem are yet to be finalised.

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