“For the entertainment industry, there is a fire within that will never be extinguished” – Producer Mayur Gharat

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oi-oneindia staff


Published: Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 18:09 [IST]

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Famous Quote ‘Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends. Joy and laughter or tears and discord, holding hands tightly as we dance throughout life.’ Perfectly describes the bond of a brother and sister.

On the occasion of Bhaubeej, taking a trip down memory lane upon the release of the film Shivamrita a decade ago, producer Mayur Gharat said, “Shivamrit is a tribute to the bond of a brother and sister”. It is a story based on the life of a Shiva devotee and a kind farmer Sadashiv and his sister Amrita.

Amrita is married in a good family. However, after some time his gambling-addicted father-in-law starts harassing him and his brother for money. The story unfolds beautifully to reveal the true nature of many characters. The plot twists keep you hooked and the brother-sister duo’s affection, resilience and devotion which helps them overcome adversity is truly captivating. “This project is very close to my heart as it is built on this theme. It shows that the bond of a brother and sister is etched in our hearts and will never diminish by time and distance.” Added Peacock.

Apart from producing Shivamrut and co-producing several other Marathi films, Mayur is a successful entrepreneur, model and fitness and lifestyle influencer (@the_mayurrr). Despite myriad responsibilities, Mayur is very fond of producing.

“When it comes to the entertainment industry, there is a fire within it that cannot be extinguished,” said Mayur. Mayur has also revealed that he is coming up with a new project with yet another take on the brother-sister bond. Since the project is in the early stages, he couldn’t tell us any more details, but it sure looks promising and we can’t wait to hear more.

Story First published: Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 18:09 [IST]