For Quality Education, Wire in the World | Outlook India Magazine

The National Policy on Education (NEP) 2020 is an important moment for the education sector of India. On completion of one year, the policy has already set the pace of transformational reforms in higher education in the country.

The NEP 2020 has a laudable goal of taking the Gross Enrollment Ratio in Higher Education, which is the ratio of enrollment in higher education for the population in the eligible age group (18-23 years), to 50 per cent from today’s approximately 26 per cent. by 2030. This would mean expanding the base of higher education institutions in India. We are at number three in the world in terms of size. There are more than 900 universities, about 39,000 colleges and about 11,600 standalone institutions in the country. To achieve 50 percent GER, India needs to build over 800 new universities and 40,000 colleges. As the government remains committed to increasing its spending on education to more than six per cent of GDP – from around 3 per cent currently, expansion is well within reach.

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