Foods To Consume During Day And Night Time, As Per An Expert

Last Update: January 26, 2023, 09:49 AM IST

Consumption of cucumber seeds is equally beneficial for health as well as skin and hair.

Consumption of cucumber seeds is equally beneficial for health as well as skin and hair.

Recently, nutritionist Lavneet, who believes in making healthy living simple, shared an informative post on Instagram.

Every food we eat contains different types of nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. Additionally, it is important to eat the right amount of food keeping in mind our age, gender and body weight. Eating healthy and well is essential and it may sound very simple, but one of the most important factors of a good diet is eating the right foods at the right times. This ensures that our body is able to properly access all the nutritional benefits of the food. That’s why it is important to know when we can eat which food.

Recently, nutritionist Lavneet, who believes in making healthy living simple, shared an informative post on Instagram. He explained certain foods and why they should be taken at a certain time of the day for good health and skin. His post began with the text, “Foods to eat in the morning and evening to get a healthy body and skin”.

See the post here-

Here is the list of food items that she shared-

  1. apple
    Lovneet says that apples should be eaten during the day and explains the reason that eating apples in the morning helps in eliminating bad cholesterol and salt deposits in our body.
  2. chia seeds
    These seeds should be eaten at night time as they help in reducing hunger before sleeping and help in getting better sleep.
  3. Cucumbers
    According to the nutritionist, cucumber has a high water content and promotes hydration. Staying hydrated improves stool consistency, prevents constipation, and helps maintain regularity and is therefore ideal for daytime use.
  4. chamomile tea
    Lovneet believes that this tea should be taken at night. It is considered a mild tranquilizer or sleep inducer. Chamomile tea has a calming and soothing effect due to the presence of an antioxidant called apigenin, a compound that induces sleep at night.
  5. tea Coffee
    The profession states that tea and coffee should be consumed during the day but not first thing in the morning. A dose of tea or coffee improves mood and helps to refresh mentally and physically due to the caffeine content.
  6. Turmeric milk
    This drink is ideal for night time as milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep. Meanwhile, the turmeric present in it helps in inflammation and healing.
  7. Amla juice
    An excellent source of Vitamin C, Amla juice boosts immunity. It is a natural antioxidant and keeps skin and hair healthy and should be consumed during day time.
  8. pumpkin seeds
    These seeds also contain tryptophan which provides a relaxing and pleasant feeling to the brain and promotes sound sleep.
  9. Almond
    Eating almonds in the morning increases satiety response, lowers bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and helps in weight loss.
  10. Pistachio
    Just before going to bed, you can consider eating some pistachios as Lavneet mentions that they are loaded with vitamin B6 and magnesium and help in sound sleep.

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