Focus on acquiring skills more than getting a degree, says MBA Chaiwala

Praful Billor, popularly known as ‘MBA Chaiwala’, is a living example of how dedication and hard work can bring you success in anything. The entrepreneur recently, in a lengthy thread on Twitter, offered life-changing advice to young people entering their 20s. Billor had earlier appeared for MBA Admission – CAT but failed to clear it. Later he started his own business by opening a tea shop outside IIM Ahmedabad and now he has more than 22 outlets.

In a series of tweets, Billor talks about focusing more on learning skills than on collecting degrees. He wrote, ‘The era of rule of degrees is gone. Companies hire people based on their skills. Find and master the most relevant skills. He talks about “earning money for one’s own living”. According to him, doing so can help in future preparation.

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He discussed the importance of making a monthly budget in his next point. “20 is the best time to build a good financial habit,” he explains, adding that “during this time, set a monthly budget and stick to it.” Making another point the entrepreneur advised to divide the money into 3 parts. The first would be used for bills and other things actually needed, the second for ‘want’ and the third for ‘investment’.

Billor went on to say that “one of the worst things you can do in your 20s is to compare your life with others and feel bad about yourself. Resources, constraints, circumstances, everything is different for you and them.” ,” he said, adding that everyone should enjoy and celebrate small victories once in a while.

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Farmer’s son Billor had prepared for Common Admission Test (CAT) For three consecutive years but could not pass the exam. After this he started fulfilling his dream of becoming a businessman by opening a tea shop. Initially, he took a job at McDonald’s. After working for a few months, the young man started selling tea along with his job. He took a loan of Rs 10,000 from his father for ‘education’ and instead bought utensils for making tea. He opened a stall outside his dream college – IIM Ahmedabad and started selling tea. Today, he is a billionaire with over 22 outlets across the country and will soon have an international outlet as well.

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