Flood death toll rises to 302 in China’s Henan province

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Image Source: AP

More than 14.53 million people were affected in 150 county-level areas by the torrential rains. More than 1.09 million hectares of crops were damaged, and more than 30,600 homes fell across the province.

In central China’s Henan province, the death toll from an unexpected flash flood last month caused by the heaviest rainfall in a thousand years, has risen to 302, more than three times the official figure.

The Chinese government on Monday ordered an investigation to deal with the disaster.

State-run Xinhua news agency quoted local officials as saying that in Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province – which was worst affected – a total of 292 people were confirmed dead and 47 were still missing.

The previous death toll, announced by provincial officials on Friday, was 99. Now, the provincial death toll stands at 302, while another 50 are still missing.

More than 14.53 million people were affected in 150 county-level areas by the torrential rains. The report said more than 1.09 million hectares of crops were damaged, and more than 30,600 homes fell across the province.

Henan has received record rainfall since July 16. In Zhengzhou, 617.1 mm of rain fell over a three-day period, which is close to the city’s average annual rainfall amount. The city also recorded a record hourly rainfall rate of 201.9 mm.

After the worst floods in the region, the local government faced severe criticism for not being transparent about the damage caused by the floods and the loss of life and property.

As the death toll rose, the State Council (China’s cabinet) announced on Monday that it had decided to set up an investigation team to assess the response to the devastating floods in Zhengzhou.

An official statement said the team would be headed by the Ministry of Emergency Management and would include officials and experts from the relevant departments.

The purpose of the investigation is to summarize the experience and lessons gained from the response and to propose measures that may be taken to improve disaster prevention and relief in the future.

It said that those who are found to be violating their duties in the Zhengzhou floods will be held responsible in accordance with the law and regulations.

Zhengzhou, a metropolis of 12.6 million people, witnessed tragic scenes as floodwaters engulfed subway trains and tunnels, killing a large number of people.

Many hospitals were also flooded and the authorities made a lot of efforts to take the patients to a safe place.

The Chinese military sent its troops to detonate a damaged dam in Yichuan County to divert flood waters.

Large-scale flooding described by meteorologists as a once-in-a-lifetime event has resulted in apocalyptic scenes in Zhengzhou, with its public avenues and subway tunnels submerged in rising water.

Videos on social media showed people trapped in cars floating in the water on the main roads of the city.

In the video, passengers stranded in Metro trains were seen clinging to the rails, waiting impatiently for help as the flood waters rose up to their necks.

People were seen trying to get out of the flood in the city’s downtown area, while many cars and other vehicles were washed away. Some videos also show people falling into huge caves in the streets.

The downtown area of ​​Zhengzhou received an average of 457.5 mm of rainfall within 24 hours, the highest daily rainfall since the season’s records began, Xinhua news agency reported.

Henan is home to many cultural sites and a major base for industry and agriculture. According to several media reports, the Shaolin temple, known for the martial arts mastery of Buddhist monks, was also hit by the floods.

Weather forecasters described this extreme event as the heaviest rainfall in 1,000 years.

At present, traffic has resumed on railways, civil aviation, expressways and major roads in Henan. Urban and rural public transport and communication networks have also resumed, Xinhua news agency reported.

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