Flipkart Quiz August 19, 2021: Get answers to these questions to win gifts, discount coupons and Flipkart Super Coins – Times of India

New Delhi: Walmart-owned Flipkart is back with another dose of his daily general knowledge quiz. App Quiz Flipkart has five simple questions which are based on general knowledge. If you want to win the quiz you have to answer all the questions correctly.
You can win shopping vouchers, flipkart super coins and other gifts by answering these five questions correctly. The quiz is already live on the platform and you can participate till 12 noon today.
You need to download the Flipkart mobile app to participate in the quiz. You can access the quiz by going to the Games section in the Flipkart mobile app.
Here are five questions from today’s quiz along with their respective answers that can help you win gifts and discount vouchers.

  1. Established by James Hickey, what was the first Hickey’s Bengal Gazetteer in India?
  2. Which of these brands is not owned by a European consumer goods company?
  3. Who captained India in the 2018 Women’s Hockey World Cup?
    Rani Rampal
  4. Guru Nanak’s son Baba Sri Chand was the founder of which religious sect?
    the sadness
  5. Who among these women leaders has not been the President of her country?
    golda meer


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