Five times celebrities downplayed breastfeeding shame The Times of India

Women’s bodies have been under social spectacles since time immemorial and have been shamed for exposing certain ‘body parts’ that have sex for aeons. Breasts are the sexiest part of a woman’s body and, paradoxically enough, have been used time and again to appeal to the public eye, even when they are associated with shame and cover-up. Breastfeeding, even though a natural process that is beautiful and essential to life, is surrounded by stigma in modern times. A baby may become cranky and hungry in the middle of a public place or in a crowded room of a small house, leaving the mother with no choice but to feed there. In addition, factors such as illness, disease and poverty leave little room for private spaces where children can be fed. Instead of understanding the plight of such mothers and their children, people prefer to police them. However, women have stood up against shame, both literally and figuratively, and have openly challenged these notions in their own little ways. Here are five celebrities who refused to wear a badge of shame for being a mother or a woman.
