Fish Bowls ‘Drive Fish Crazy and…’: French Pet Care Firm Stops Selling Fish Bowls

New Delhi: Animal experts have long said that fish bowls do not provide a healthy environment for fish because they limit oxygen levels and lack proper filtration. A leading French pet care firm has now decided to stop selling those circular fish bowls.

Aquarium seller AgroBiothers Laboratoire has said it will not sell the fish bowls because they drive the fish crazy and it “kills them quickly”, news agency Reuters reported.

The pet care market leader also said that they will no longer sell any aquarium with a capacity of less than 15 liters. It will now only sell rectangular aquariums.

“People impulse buy a goldfish for their babies, but if they knew how torture it was, they wouldn’t do it. Going round and round in a small bowl drives the fish crazy and kills them quickly. Matthew Lambex, CEO of AgroBythers, was quoted. as saying.

People are mostly seen keeping goldfish in such round bowls.

Lambex said goldfish, if kept in large aquariums or outdoor ponds, can live up to 30 years and grow to about 25 cm, but often die within weeks or months in smaller bowls.

He said goldfish need clean water, the company of other fish and enough space.

The report said that fish bowls were banned long ago in many European countries, but France does not yet have a law on the issue.

“We cannot educate all of our customers to understand that it is cruel to put fish in a bowl. We believe it is our responsibility to no longer give that option to consumers,” Lambex told Reuters.
