First interview of Pt. Pradeep Mishra, who surrounded Shivraj: Question- CM is your target? P.Mishra- My Shankar in trouble, there will be pain; Know what else he said…

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  • The question why CM Shivraj is on your target, Pandit Mishra is in trouble on Shiv, there will be pain

Yogesh Pandey/Jalaj Mishra (Bhopal)9 minutes ago

Shivraj is the Chief Minister of the state and Shiv is in captivity in his state, so then his secret is of no use… Two days ago in Raisen, Pandit Pradeep Mishra, who read the story from Vyaspeeth, has once again brought an uproar in the politics of MP by saying this. This is the second time that the Shivraj government was put in trouble by Pt. Mishra. Earlier, he had wept over the cancellation of Rudraksh festival in Sehore. Questions were being raised whether Pandit Mishra has become angry with the Shivraj government. After these controversies, for the first time, Pt. Mishra gave his talk. Dainik Bhaskar App laid through. Know sequential questions and their answers …

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– You said that Shiva is in captivity under the rule of Shivraj, so such a secret is of no use… Why are you targeting Shivraj these days?

Answer– I told what I said to the Vyasapeeth. Whatever is said from the Vyaspeeth, it is a matter of public interest. Nothing is talked about from the pulpit for any party or individual. If someone takes it on himself, then it is another matter. If my Shiva is in trouble, then I will be in pain. That’s why said. I have called upon the government to free Shiva. I sincerely hope that the government will accept my request.

– Don’t you think that your words put the government in trouble?

Shivraj ji is a successful Chief Minister. People are happy with him. I don’t think the Chief Minister of the state should get doubted by my speech. I only said what the public told me by writing a letter. I have only requested the Shivraj government to come and liberate Baba’s court which has been closed since the British era.

Are you helping to set the Hindutva agenda for the BJP?

AnswerI have nothing to do with politics. Neither from BJP nor from Congress. I am Sanatani. I just say that we will always support the one who talks about the national interest. It is true that lakhs of people are associated with us, but it is all because of Shiva’s grace. It has nothing to do with politics at all.

– Why do you look tough speaking for Shivraj, while keeping a soft corner for other ministers?

AnswerI have never addressed any one person from the Vyaspeeth till today. I belong to the area of ​​Shivraj ji. I have known them for a long time.

– What magic do you do on your listeners… Thousands of people throng to hear you?

AnswerAll this is the grace of Shiva. People are worshiping Lord Shiva. Through Shiva Mahapuran, now the common public is recognizing the Shiva element. Now people are understanding how to worship Shiva.

What will be the next campaign to liberate Shiva in Raisen?

answerThis is not a campaign. Fifty letters from devotees came to me. Baba has called from the Vyaspeeth, so this door will definitely open.

It is also being said that the organizing committee made you a pawn?

Answer– This letter is not from the organizing committee. These are letters from people around. I spoke my heart.

If it seems from your statements, then you have any displeasure with Shivraj ji or with the government, what is the reason?

Answer– Absolutely not. I repeat again that I have no resentment towards anyone.

– How do you think Shiva will be able to come out of the captivity in Raisen Fort?

AnswerI have full faith that Mamaji will come here and will definitely get the lock opened. I call him Mama since long ago. Even if they talk to the central government. I am very happy that Mama has become a bulldozer.

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