Fire in Ukraine bus fares, shock to Indians | Hyderabad News – Times of India

Hyderabad: Wherever there is ‘war’, vultures will gather there. Intimidating already scared Indian students, private transport passengers Ukraine He pulled out huge amounts from Indian students to provide them with transportation during the war.
This happened after the Indian embassy in Ukraine asked the students to stay pisochin Until they get further instructions.


The students said they were forced to cough up up to USD 500 in private transport buses to be taken out of Pisochin. “We were told that they would be the last buses and that they would not get another chance to leave Pisochin,” said one student in one of the groups they communicate with each other. Wire group.
On March 2, more than 1,000 students went to safety following the advice of the Indian embassy in Ukraine to leave Kharkiv in four hours. The students were asked to move on to Pisochin, Babe, and so forth. bezludovka, The Russian attacks in Kharkiv continued even after a gap of a few hours and the students reached these places.
However, since they reached those places, private bus operators including some Indians started plying buses demanding hefty amount from the students. Some even said that they finally boarded the bus after paying 200 USD for the trip to Lviv.
To create fear among the students, pressure was created to board the buses.
A team member of a voluntary group brought to the notice of the Indian Embassy in Ukraine the issue of students being deported.
The embassy did not indicate to the students when they would be taken out of Pisochin and some were behaving as if they were part of the officialdom, the students were literally taken for a ride.
“Despite great adversities, delivered food and water to our students in Pisochin, Kharkiv,” the embassy said in a post posting pictures of water bottles and food items. For three days, the students posted in their groups how they had to survive the entire day on only two slices of bread.
With voluntary groups pressuring the embassy, ​​it was only on Saturday that buses were organized to bring students from Pisochin. This was also the first time that the authorities paid for the internal travel of the students.
Of the nearly 1,200 students who arrived in Pisochin, only 298 were left there when the embassy arranged for transport for them on Saturday.
12 students will have to fight for a medical seat
Naveen Shekharappa, A MBBS The student, who was killed in Ukraine a few days ago, could not secure a medical seat in his homeland despite scoring 97% in his pre-university course (10+2).
His father lamented how sending his son to Ukraine, which had seemed tempting before the outbreak of the war, proved costly in the end. Similar is the situation with thousands of parents who aspire to make their children a part of the respected tribe of doctors.
Of the 4,850 MBBS seats in Andhra Pradesh, of which 15% is allocated to the national pool, around 60,000 will appear for the seats. NEETUG every year. Furthermore, only a small fraction of applicants pass the exam, making it the college of their dreams.
Around 62,000 candidates gave NEET-UG Against 4,850 seats in Andhra Pradesh in 2020 and 59,951 in 2021. This means around 12 candidates are in the fray for one medical seat in Andhra Pradesh. The level of competition in terms of cut-off is increasing with every passing year.