Few candidates for shipping exam in coastal district. Mangaluru News – Times of India

Mangaluru: Due to lack of awareness few candidates have applied Chartered Shipbroker Institute (ICS) Professional Aptitude Test (PQE), Prashant CG, a senior . he said ICS Member and Representative on behalf of ICS East India Branch, Chennai.
Not much educational qualification is required to appear in the exam, where a candidate can pursue a career in shipping, maritime and logistics sectors, which have seen a drop in admissions in the coastal sector, he said, with only five this year. Appeared for the exam by adding people. In 2001 when it started its examination center in Mangaluru, there were more than 24 candidates.
“Five candidates, including two women, appeared for the recent examination held at the Mangaluru center between November 15 and November 25. Three candidates were from Kerala and Hassan, while the rest were from Mangaluru. Mangaluru center has been successfully conducting the exams for more than a decade now. However, the numbers are decreasing during this period. This is because no awareness has been created about the exam,” said Prashant. Another ICS branch in India is in Mumbai.
He informed that the duration of the course is about five years with a total of seven examinations. The exam is conducted on the same date every year across the world. “When there were more candidates than Mangaluru, crash courses were conducted in the city itself. However, the crash course has been put on hold due to fewer people taking the exam. ICS question papers are set and answer sheets are evaluated in London,” said Prashant.
The ICS PQE is a respected academic benchmark of the worldwide shipping and maritime industry. educational syllabus In addition to 12 specific disciplines, it is constantly revised to meet the latest in the shipping business, the legal principles of shipping, the economics of maritime transport and international trade.
Prashant said Mangaluru is one of the 105 ICS PQE exam centers across the world, and the fifth center in India, to be chosen as the exam centre. Menages & Associates has been declared as Mangaluru exam centre.
