Fears and facts related to Sitaphal (Custard Apple), experts tell. The Times of India

We are often advised to enjoy seasonal fruits and vegetables to get the most out of the nutritional values ​​of those seasonal delights. And one such seasonal fruit is cilantro or custard apple – green, cone-shaped fruit with a sweet taste. People often avoid this fruit due to the fear associated with this fruit which is widely grown in Maharashtra. Recently, nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar busted the fear and talked about the facts in an Instagram post. Earlier too, she talked about enjoying the benefits of Sitaphal and wrote, “Sitaphal is sitting pretty and the season is going on now. Enjoy it, eat it with your hands, lick your fingers, and don’t wait until it’s declared the Super Fruit of the 21st Century. Take a look at the most common fears and facts associated with Sitaphal. (image: iStock)
