FDA ready to clear third shot of COVID-19 vaccine for people with weakened immune systems

New Delhi: With more and more cases of the highly contagious Delta variant across the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is likely to authorize a third shot of the COVID-19 vaccine for people with weakened immune systems, The New York Times reported. .

Pfizer-BioNTech’s decision to expand emergency use of both vaccines is intended to better protect people with immune deficiencies.

Citing an official familiar with the decision, the NYT report said that people who have had solid organ transplants and those whose immune systems are similarly compromised may benefit from an additional shot of the vaccine. is likely to.

The permission is likely to be granted soon.

In the US, the NYT said, about 3 percent of people have weakened immune systems for a variety of reasons — from cancer to steroid use.

An advisory committee from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is due to meet on Friday, will consider the FDA’s decision to authorize a third shot for a select range of people.

Although the FDA can decide on such matters independently, physicians typically wait to take action until the CDC gives its opinion.

France, Germany and Hungary have offered additional doses of the vaccine to people with a weakened immune response.

The third dose of Moderna Vaccine significantly increased antibody levels against COVID-19 in organ transplant patients, a Bloomberg report said, citing a comparison of an additional shot to a placebo in people with weakened immunity. Happened.

According to the report, the FDA is closely monitoring data on such studies of additional doses in immunocompromised people.

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