Farmers took brick and soil from Singhu border: Purpose to remind future generation of 380 days long satyagraha and lesson taught to government

Chandigarh7 hours ago

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To take them home, the farmers dug out the soil on the Singhu border and took it with them by filling it in buckets.  - Dainik Bhaskar

To take them home, the farmers dug out the soil on the Singhu border and took it with them by filling it in buckets.

Homecoming of farmers has started from Delhi border. While returning from the Singhu border, the farmers are also bringing the soil there. Manjinder Singh, a farmer of Mansa, says that it will be such a memorial, which will remind the government of the lesson and the generations of farmers’ Satyagraha. Whether we live or not, this lifeless soil and brick will keep the movement alive for 380 days.

This movement was started in protest against the 3 agricultural reform laws of the central government. There was a continuous movement first on the Punjab and then on the Delhi border. Eventually the central government had to bow down and all three agricultural laws were returned in a single day.

While returning from the Singhu border, the farmers took away the soil there.  This soil will keep the movement alive.

While returning from the Singhu border, the farmers took away the soil there. This soil will keep the movement alive.

‘Soil Satyagraha’ was done on the Singhu border
The farmers also did a soil satyagraha on the Singhu border, in which farmers from different states of the country had reached the Singhu border with soil, through which the support of the movement against the agricultural reform laws of the Center was shown. From 30 March to 6 April, the farmers also took out the soil Satyagraha Yatra.

This yatra started from Gujarat and reached all the fronts of the farmers on the border of Delhi, passing through Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab. The companions of farmer organizations were associated with this yatra by taking soil from 1500 villages in 23 states from across the country.

Some farmers filled the soil of the Singhu border in the box, which they took home with them.

Some farmers filled the soil of the Singhu border in the box, which they took home with them.

Peaceful movement yet more than 700 lives were lost
The peasant movement, which lasted for more than a year, was peaceful. Except for the Red Fort violence on 26 January, there was no major violent incident regarding the peasant movement. However, peasant organizations had distanced themselves from those involved in the Red Fort violence. Despite this, more than 700 people died in this movement. However, even in the scorching heat, severe cold, torrential rains and storms, the farmers remained standing on the Singhu, Tikri and Ghazipur borders.

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