Farmers held against BJP in Jalandhar for 24 hours: After the meeting was over, the leaders left, yet the general public was troubled by the jam inside the city after the highway, demonstration outside the circuit house

  • Hindi News
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  • Punjab
  • Jalandhar
  • After the meeting was over, the leaders left, yet the general public was troubled by the protest outside the circuit house, the jam inside the city after the highway.

Jalandhar4 minutes ago

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Farmers protesting outside Circuit House.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Farmers protesting outside Circuit House.

Farmer organizations are standing outside the circuit house in Jalandhar even after 24 hours. The BJP’s state executive meeting was held here on Wednesday. In protest against which the farmers started the protest at 11 am on Wednesday. After this BJP leaders have returned from here but the farmers are still standing. They say that the Captain government is doing their programs in connivance with the BJP. Which farmers will not tolerate at all. He has also called more farmers for the demonstration. He is continuously raising slogans against the central government and BJP state president Ashwini Sharma. Heavy police force has been deployed on the spot so that the protest does not turn violent. Due to this, people coming and going from there are facing a lot of trouble.

Police stood by stopping the protesting farmers by putting up barricades.

Police stood by stopping the protesting farmers by putting up barricades.

Police closed the road, people upset due to increase in traffic

In view of the farmers’ protest, the police had closed the road leading to the Circuit House on Wednesday. Because of this people had to suffer. Traffic was getting worse, especially at Skylark Square. Even now the road has been closed there, due to which there is a problem in the movement of traffic. At the same time, despite the problems faced by the common people, the police is waiting for the farmers to withdraw themselves. Due to which common people are getting stuck in traffic jam. After the highway jam of sugarcane farmers, now the common people are troubled by the jam inside the city.

There was a scuffle with the police, farmers could not go inside

On Wednesday, the farmers had fiercely opposed the BJP meeting at the Circuit House. Even the farmers tried to break the barricade. Due to which there was also a scuffle with the police. However, due to tight police security, the farmers were not able to enter the circuit house.

Police alert after tearing clothes of BJP MLA and taking leaders hostage

Kisan Morcha is going on in Delhi in protest against the agricultural reform laws of the Central Government. In his support, farmers in Punjab are opposing BJP’s programs. Earlier the police did not show much strictness. Because of this, the farmers tore the clothes of BJP MLA Arun Narang in Malout and then in Rajpura senior leaders took the farmers hostage. After this, when the matter reached the Union Home Ministry, the Captain government became strict. Now the police is giving tight security to the programs of BJP.

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