Family of hostage Carmel Gat to hold public yoga session

One of the hostages kidnapped to Gaza is Carmel Gat, 39. According to released hostages who were held with Carmel in Gaza, the joint yoga activity she led in captivity enabled them all to maintain their sanity.⁣

To honor Carmel and in support of the ongoing efforts for her release, this Friday morning, the Israel Museum will host a public yoga session attended by members of Carmel’s family. ⁣

The venue chosen is the gallery showcasing the exhibition “Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History,” amidst two of Demand’s works — one about last year’s widespread protests in Israel and another about the bombed city of Gaza. ⁣

The yoga event will be dedicated to the hope for the safe return of the 136 hostages in captivity for more than 100 days.⁣

For information, go to the Israel Museum website