Facilities Platform to expand in Chennai DusMinute

Facilities for Gated Communities Platform DusMinute plans to expand in Chennai.

Launched in Bengaluru, DusMinute provides facilities like a supermarket, home services, cafe, pharmacy etc through an in-society store and app for residents of gated communities.

Talking about the expansion, Apoorva Mishra, CEO, DusMinute said, “DusMinute has a presence in 29 communities in Bengaluru over the past four years and is looking forward to rolling out hyperlocal, integrated services in more cities. Chennai is the first step in this direction.

DusMinute so far raised $1.1 million in a pre-Series A round of funding led by Indian Angel Network (IAN) along with some High Net-Worth Individuals (HNIs) earlier this year. As part of the next phase of growth of the start-up, the startup is working on establishing a strong foothold in more cities of South India.

DusMinute was founded by IIT graduates Apoorva Mishra, Ankita Asai and Nikhil Gupta, who previously co-founded Bengaluru-based home services startup Gapoon; With Bhavadeep Reddy and Nachi Ramanathan.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, communities continue to grow into self-sustaining ecosystems. Managed living in communities is made easier by DuusMinute, which provides full concierge services and amenities to elevate the lifestyle of the urban population.
