Explained: What is Wi-Fi calling and how is it useful – Times of India

The players of the telecom industry are spending huge amount of money to improve the network coverage. Still, we are at a time when there is no guarantee of call drops. There have also been many times when calls have suddenly been disconnected after users have come to the blackspot. Drops need not be only in public places, there can be some areas in our homes where mobile signal becomes weak or non-existent. Moreover, we still have many areas in the country where there is no mobile internet connectivity or the network is weak.
Modern mobile networks are quite widespread and reliable these days, but not a single network is safe from blackspots and poor reception. right here Wi-Fi Calling comes to the rescue and having this feature can make a difference. This service has been around for some time, but it is important to note that not all handsets and network providers support this service. let’s discuss what Wifi What is calling and how is it useful.
What is Wi-Fi Calling
Wi-Fi calling, as the name suggests, is a feature that allows users to make calls from their mobile devices via a Wi-Fi connection (such as your home Internet). This service proves useful in situations where you have weak mobile reception but access to a Wi-Fi network. However, it is important to note that Wi-Fi calling only supports audio calls and cannot be used for video calls.
Requirements to use this service
There are some prerequisites for using this feature. Users will need a compatible mobile device, a telecommunications provider that supports the service and most importantly a Wi-Fi network with a good signal. A strong Wi-Fi network is very important if you do not want to face the same problem that you faced due to poor mobile reception.
Wi-Fi Calling Cost
Wi-Fi calling is a free service that is included with your home Internet bill. You don’t need to pay anything extra for this feature, except the cost of the WiFi connection. If your mobile plan does not have unlimited calls, your telecom provider will not be charged any additional charges or any other charges for using the service, which are normally charged to you for regular calls.
Benefits of Wi-Fi Calling
Wi-Fi calling is not the ultimate solution but the service can be useful in certain situations. This service proves to be a life saver in areas with mobile blackspots or weak mobile signal. So if you have a strong WiFi connection then you can make your life easier with this service.
You may have weak mobile signals in some parts of your home but WiFi calling service may be more reliable at home, as the WiFi modem/router signal is likely to be near you. Users do not need to download an additional app to use this service if your device and telecom provider support it. All you have to do is enable the feature. Also, telecom providers usually do not charge users extra money for this service.
How Wi-Fi Calling Is Different From VoLTE Calling
Voice over Long-Term Evolution (VoLTE) calling is very different from Wi-Fi calling service. Unlike Wi-Fi calling, VoLTE allows users to make calls over 4G networks that also require access to a mobile network. However, access to both services may be limited to your device and your network provider. While these are two different services, in some cases, having VoLTE enabled on your device may automatically enable WiFi calling on your device or vice versa.
VoLTE calls are also a free service and users do not need to bear any additional charges on their phone bills to access this service. VoLTE calling also cannot be counted as part of your mobile data usage. Users need not worry about extra charges if they have unlimited standard national calls on their phone plan. Still, if you are concerned about additional charges, it is better to investigate the matter directly with your telecom provider.