Explained: What Apple’s new App Store policy means for iPhone users – Times of India

Apple’s ‘anti-trust’ issues with authorities around the world have come to the fore from time to time. main issue at heart app Store And some policies that app developers and users have to follow. Yesterday, the Cupertino-based tech giant announced changes to its App Store policy. We explain what the new App Store policy means for users and some Apps they use.

What is the new App Store policy?

Apple has said that developers of the “Reader” app will now be allowed to link their customers directly to their sign-up website. Apple said in a press release, “The update will allow developers of Reader apps to include in-app links to their websites for users to set up or manage an account.” Reader apps are those that provide previously purchased content or content subscriptions to digital magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music and video. Therefore Amazon Kindle There is a “reader” app. Or a music streaming app is also a reader app and as are many OTT apps like Netflix and others.

What did Apple change to the App Store policy?

In 2016, the Japan Fair Trade Commission launched an investigation against Apple and App Store practices. Some developers were complaining about Apple’s rules being too stringent. On paper, Apple has said that this is the result of the Japan investigation but it has faced considerable criticism from several quarters. For example, Apple takes a 30% cut on in-app purchases and a lot of developers were not happy with it. Apple changed the policy, so some of the criticism on the App Store dies down.

When does the new App Store policy go into effect?

The beginning of 2022 is when the changes take effect. Apple has said that it will update its guidelines and review process to ensure that users of the Reader app continue to have a safe experience on the App Store. The company further stated that, “While in-app purchases through the App Store commerce system remain the safest and most trusted payment method for users, Apple Reader will also help app developers protect users when they Link them to external websites to make purchases.

What does the new policy mean for users?

As mentioned above, the policy is only for “reader” apps, but they are quite popular. Let’s take the example of the Amazon Kindle app. Currently, if you want to buy a book in the app, you cannot do so because you have to go to the mobile browser to get the book. From next year, users will be allowed to shop directly. Likewise, on many of these reader apps, you are not allowed to sign up directly and require you to have a mobile browser or visit the site to do so. With the new policy, all these things will be possible in the app itself.


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