Expert Claims 90% People In The World Breathe Polluted Air, Read About Its Impact On Health

Air pollution in India: According to a travel advisory issued by International SOS, “Particulate matter (PM2.5) from transport sources is the major pollutant. Non-vehicular causes of pollution in Delhi and neighboring states include construction dust, garbage and burning of tyres.” Is.” New Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in the world. PM2.5 levels are at least 15 times higher than WHO air quality standards. Growth in several sectors, including manufacturing, transportation, power generation and building, has contributed to worsening air quality in other parts of India.”

On the occasion of World Health Day, IANSlife spoke to Dr Vikram Vora, Medical Director of International SOS in the Indian subcontinent, to know more about air pollution, how it affects individuals, and what can be done to mitigate the situation can be done.

How does air pollution affect public health?

Air pollution is a growing concern in public health as it affects individuals as well as the communities in which they live and interact. Today more than 90 percent of the world’s population breathes polluted air.

In addition to its most visible effects on respiratory health (shortness of breath, chronic cough, decreased lung functional capacity), it also affects cardiovascular health (increased incidence of stroke and heart attack due to intravascular inflammation that damages blood vessels) ) also affects Another serious effect that is increasingly being observed is the increase in cancer cases due to pollutants. These can be resistant to treatment and have the potential to adversely affect mortality statistics in affected populations.

Most worryingly, the effects are not limited to any particular demographic – harmful effects on reproductive and developmental health (reduced fertility, low birth weight), cognition, behavior and outcomes (dementia and early death) are observed at all ages. groups cross.

The resulting increase in health care costs and sickness absence that affects productivity can lead to large-scale social and economic disruption in the population. What are the various factors that one needs to take to keep oneself safe?

Awareness and appropriate action are important to keep yourself safe. Having an active threat perception is the first step against air pollution. While it is well known (and unfortunately accepted) that the air quality in northern India is poor during the winter months, many people in other parts of the country were surprised to learn that cities like Mumbai have air quality index (AQI) ) has crossed it. Delhi this year. Staying informed is important.

Staying indoors by avoiding outdoor exercise and keeping windows closed on days with low air quality can help limit exposure to air pollution. Using air purifiers indoors improves the air quality in homes, offices and other enclosed spaces. Avoid using incense sticks, floor cleaners with harsh chemicals, and aerosol-based room fresheners. Wearing a mask like the N95, which filters out harmful suspended particles, is a good practice. If one has to step out for whatever reason, preferring public transport can reduce the risk and help avoid adding to the existing pollution.

Lastly and probably most importantly, getting a regular health check-up annually, especially if one is above 40 years of age or has a chronic condition like high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, etc., is an early warning system. Works as and prevents serious diseases. health complications. How can employers help reduce the effects of air pollutants?

Employers and organizations would do well to remember that air pollution not only affects the health and well-being of their employees but also has a profound effect on productivity and can lead to economic losses.

Organizations with good care practices need to lead by showing other employers that air pollution can be controlled if the right steps are taken to:

– Develop policies and procedures to encourage responsible environmental practices such as reducing waste generation, promoting recycling and cutting energy consumption

Create awareness among employees about the health risks associated with air pollution

– Ensure adequate ventilation in all work areas with modern, low energy and high efficiency ventilation systems that comply with domestic and international standards

– Provide such air purifiers in the offices, which can be operated on the days of poor air quality

Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks with adequate breaks for employees working outdoors or in high pollution areas

– Annual health checkup for employees is strongly recommended

– On days of severe drop in AQI, allow employees to work remotely to avoid travel and consequent increase in vehicular pollution

– Encourage employees to use public transportation or carpool, using less polluting transportation such as electric vehicles

How is productivity affected due to air pollution?

It is now well known that air pollution reduces productivity. A recent study from China found that for a 10-point change in AQI, worker productivity declined by 4%. Exposure to air pollution leads to respiratory problems such as bronchitis and worsening asthma, leading to lost productivity due to absenteeism. Breathing polluted air can lead to chronic fatigue, which can reduce work performance. Poor indoor air quality can result in “sick building syndrome,” a condition where employees experience headaches, fatigue, and respiratory problems during work.

Some effects are directly related to decline in mental health. Research shows that air pollution causes changes in the human brain, with 5 percent of studies showing physiological and functional changes in the parts that control emotion. This can make people more vulnerable to mental health and well-being issues. Some expressions are:

– Decline in cognitive function affects memory, attention and decision making.

– increased stress and anxiety

– lack of creativity

– low level of innovation

Are there any examples or special rules that organizations now provide to their employees?

While there are guidelines for organizations to reduce their emissions and carbon footprint, a conscious effort needs to be made to implement best practices and inculcate eco-friendly behaviors among employees. Some organizations do this well (with documented environmental policies) while some are struggling to maintain a balance between economic and social responsibilities.

Many companies today employ people who live close to the workplace or allow employees to work from home. Some offer pooled company transportation or encourage carpooling to reduce air pollution.

Even within offices, paperless environments are encouraged to reduce waste. Recycling is now common.

State-of-the-art HVAC systems with high filtration and air purification capabilities are deployed with frequent air change. PPEs are being provided to high risk employees.

Many organizations are ensuring that the workforce is equipped with updated health information from reliable sources and issue health advisories against air pollution whenever necessary, thereby helping employees make informed decisions. Regular health check-ups have been introduced for all employees, designed for maximum efficiency and not just as a tick on a checkbox.

Air pollution will continue to be a growing threat to employee well-being for the foreseeable future. How do we deal with this threat? both individually and collectively? It will determine how future generations will live and thrive.