Exclusive: 12 Things You Can Do For Sound Mental Health – Everyday Tips To Follow

Mental health issues are on the rise around the world, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only added to the mental health crisis. Mental health problems include a wide range of diseases, from depression and anxiety to schizophrenia and neuro-psychiatric disorders. The World Health Organization states, “Mental health is an integral part of health; it is much more than the absence of mental illness. It is the foundation of individuals’ well-being and effective functioning. It includes mental well-being, prevention, treatment of mental disorders, and for rehabilitation.”

Everyday Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health

Many everyday exercises are important to ensure good mental health. Dr Kedar Tilve, Consultant Psychiatrist, Fortis Hospital Mulund and Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi shares some important tips to maintain mental health. Let’s look at them:

1. Schedule an activity for the first half hour of the morning. The sense of accomplishment that you get from completing your first activity of the day – like jogging or even a simple task like making tea – will go a long way in setting a positive tone/mood for the day.

2. Make breakfast the most important meal of the day. If you can get the family to have breakfast together and discuss their schedules, it will help give you a shared purpose and motivation to get through the day.

3. Keep a flexible schedule that allows for the dynamic ebb and flow of the day. If possible, focus on the tasks that need to be accomplished instead of micromanaging time.

4. Prioritize tasks and delegate responsibilities where possible, otherwise seek appropriate assistance where necessary. Remember, you are not alone.

5. Practice active listening. It is a habit that not only helps you avoid miscommunication but also enables you to understand and build lifelong friendships.

6. Limit the intake of coffee and tea. Stay away from alcohol, tobacco and any illegal drugs.

Also read: Mental health of children – Over-protection makes kids anxious, less resilient

7. Practicing good sleep hygiene as it is a great way to reset at the end of the day.

8. Practice at least one relaxation technique, whether it’s mindfulness or yoga, during the beginning and end of the work day. This goes a long way in maintaining work-life balance.

9. Practice digital detox for at least four hours a week and use the time to reconnect with the people who matter in your life, be it family or friends. Also make sure the screen is off or at least the notification when sleeping.

10. Take short breaks from time to time if needed. It helps to gain perspective and also has a rejuvenating effect.

11. If feeling pressured, fatigued or overwhelmed, remember to unmute yourself and talk to friends, family, confidants and mental health professionals if needed, all of whom will be happy to help.

12. Make a playlist of songs that make you happy and put a smile on your face. Listen to it only in times of crisis as it can be beneficial in calming you down and allowing you to move on.