Ex Navy soldier, who claimed to have killed Al-quida chief, Arrested

Robert O’Neil’, a former United States Navy soldier, who claimed to have killed Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in 2011, was arrested in Texas for allegedly causing bodily injury. 

According to a report in the New York Post, He was booked on Wednesday and was released on a USD 3,500 bond later on the same day. 

Robert was booked on a Class A criminal charge of assault causing injury and a Class C criminal charge of public intoxication, the report said. 

The Navy soldier came into the limelight after he took credit for shooting Osama Bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan. Earlier, he was arrested in 2016 on drunk-in-drive charges.

Also Read: Pakistan: “Grilled In Jail…”, Imran Khan’s Big Admission In Missing Cypher Case