Essex to investigate allegations of historic racism by former player circles

English county club Essex on Monday pledged to investigate new allegations of historic racism leveled by their former Jamaican-born fast bowler Maurice Chambers.

Chambers, who played for Essex between 2005 and 2013, told The Cricketer that he was so upset by racial bullying in the county that he went home and cried after matches.

Chambers said he was regularly subjected to racist taunts in Essex and that a teammate mocked him for bananas and a member of the coaching staff was used to reading racist jokes in the dressing room.

He also details an incident when he was sharing a house with another companion, when he was called a monkey.

Chambers, 34, told The Cricketer, “We had a team night out in Chelmsford. The other player was very drunk. When I got home, he threw a banana down the stairs and said: ‘Climb for it, you Fucking monkey.’

“I mentioned the incident to my mother and she reported it. The other player was forced to apologize to me but I still had to stay with him for a while.”

Chambers’ allegations come close on the heels of an uproar over claims of racism faced by another former county player, Azeem Rafiq, while playing for Yorkshire, which led to the exodus of sponsors and the resignation of several top officials. Gave.

Essex were also drawn into a racism row last week, when their president John Faragher resigned from nL4N2S33VE over a historic allegation that he used racist language at a board meeting in 2017.

Rafiq and senior Yorkshire officials are due to testify before the Parliamentary Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport panel on Tuesday and the club has been banned from hosting international matches.

Essex investigation

Essex Cricket CEO John Stephenson promised to investigate Chambers’ allegations.

“The allegations, reported today, are linked to Essex and another club causing trouble with reading. Whatever is reported will be taken very seriously and thoroughly investigated,” Stephenson told Essex. said on the website.

“After learning of the allegations last night, I immediately contacted the former player to offer the club’s full support.

“He has shown great bravery in coming forward and talking with us about the incidents that he has described. I appreciate how difficult it must have been for him.

“The club will thoroughly investigate all allegations while we have referred the matter to the ECB as well.”

An England and Wales Cricket Board spokesman said the governing body would also investigate Chambers’ allegations.

“The ECB is appalled by the behavior described by Maurice Chambers, which no person should ever tolerate. There is absolutely no place for racism in cricket,” the spokesperson said.

“We are sorry that Maurice has been able to speak only after his playing career has ended … We will investigate this along with other allegations at Essex and appreciate Maurice’s bravery in coming forward.”

Chambers stated that he faced more racism while playing for Northamptonshire from 2014–2015, including a teammate singing on Coach for a song to accompany rap music. Including the repeated use of the “n” word.

“Racism is opposed to Northamptonshire County Cricket Club,” the club said in a statement.

“The club is disappointed to hear of Maurice’s experience and this clearly goes against our expectation for all Northamptonshire players and staff.

“We welcome the opportunity to speak directly with Maurice and any past players about their time with Northamptonshire and encourage them to reach out.”

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