Elon Musk Says His Dog ‘Floki’ Is The New CEO Of Twitter

twitter ceo Elon Musk has claimed that his dog is now the CEO of popular micro-blogging platform Twitter. Musk, who acquired the influential platform last year for $44 billion, made the comments during an impromptu interview with the BBC, where he commented on a poll about his position as CEO.

Tesla boss Elon Musk responded to the poll, saying, “I stand up. I keep telling you I’m not the CEO of Twitter, my dog ​​is the CEO of Twitter.”

Since taking over Twitter, Musk has been active on the platform, using it to share his thoughts on a variety of topics and promote his various business ventures. Recently, they also changed the platform’s logo from its iconic blue bird to the cryptocurrency’s symbol.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk also told the BBC that running Twitter has been “quite painful” and “a rollercoaster”. The interview was described as “last minute” by a UK-based media outlet and was broadcast live on Twitter Space.

“(The) pain level is too high, this is not some kind of party,” the BBC quoted Musk as saying. “It hasn’t been boring. It’s been quite a rollercoaster. (It’s actually been) quite a stressful situation over the last several months,” Musk told the BBC but said he felt buying Twitter was the right thing to do.

Elon Musk also said that he is open to the idea of ​​selling the company to the right person, if the right person comes along. The interview was shot and recorded at Twitter’s headquarters in San Francisco and viewed by over three million listeners.

Kasturi also said that he sometimes sleeps in the office and has a spot in the library which he doesn’t get to at times.

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