Elon Musk again ‘jokes’ on Jeff Bezos, know why – Times of India

Tesla CEO Elon musk Looks Like Not the Best Equations With Amazon’s Founder Jeff Bezos. The two richest men in the world compete with their companies SpaceX and Blue Origin with their space exploration ventures. Musk has hit out at Bezos several times in the past and has done so once again. In response to a tweet about hydrogen cars, Musk said, “No amount can defy physics.” However, the Tesla CEO didn’t stop there and in another tweet he said, “as Jeffrey Besos”. [sic.] Performing well.”
Elon Musk on Twitter: “@999BPM @tesla_adri @WholeMarsBlog No Zodiac Can Challenge Physics” / Twitter
In the past few days, Musk has taken a lot of dig at Bezos. In response to another tweet about a quote from Bezos on suing governments, Musk called him “Iron(y) Man.”
Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin recently criticized NASA’s decision to award astronauts lunar lander Elon Musk’s $2.9 billion contract to SpaceX. It pointed to technical details it claimed could be risky for Moon missions. Blue Origin published an infographic on its website where it took a swing at Elon Musk’s Starship, saying that SpaceX is using Starship to transport NASA Astronauts on the surface of the Moon are “extremely complex and high-risk”.
In response to Blue Origin’s statement, Musk posted an old photo of the Blue Origin rocket, with a slightly deflected middle. “Somehow, that wasn’t convincing enough,” the Tesla CEO said in a tweet, directly mocking Bezos’s company.
Bezos, on his part, has never publicly talked about Musk too much. However, the Tesla CEO is known to have a lot to say about Bezos’s company, Blue Origin. These kind of digs and potshots of Musk sometimes get on him Twitter Fodder.


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