Ellenabad result setback for Selja: proved to be weak in her stronghold, Congress state president had got Pawan to join the party ticket

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Amidst factionalism, the results of the Ellenabad by-election are no less than a big setback for Congress state president Kumari Selja. Because Congress candidate Pawan Beniwal was given ticket by Selja by joining the party. Now it is time for her to reflect on how she will strengthen the party in these circumstances.

During the election of Ellenabad, factionalism in the Congress completely dominated. The party appeared to be divided between Bhupinder Singh Hooda and Selja camp. Changing the candidate on the last occasion also went against the Congress. This increased factionalism in the party at the local level.

In the Baroda by-election, Bhupinder Singh Hooda showed his show and put the seat in the party’s bag. Selja wanted to do something similar here, but she missed it. Sirsa Kumari Selja has its own area. His native village is Prabhuwala of Sirsa parliamentary seat. She has been an MP from this parliamentary seat. Selja’s father, Mr. Dalbir has also been a Union Minister. He was the Deputy Irrigation Minister after winning from here in 1957 and 62. Became the Union Minister of State for Petroleum from 70 to 73. He was also the Minister of Coal from 1983 to 84. He also played an important role in the party organization. He was also the President of Haryana Congress Committee and National General Secretary of Congress. Kumari Selja has been an MP from here. Selja has won here in 1991 and 1996. She was also a minister of state in the Narasimha Rao government at the Centre. In 2004, he won from here. At that time also he got a ministerial post at the Centre. Later Kumari Selja became a Union Minister by contesting from Ambala parliamentary seat in 2009.

That’s why the Ellenabad election was important for the Congress.

The biggest weakness of the Congress was that it did not have its own organisation. There is no coordination between the two senior leaders. Selja has no hold over the organization. Selja is unable to keep pace with those who have a hold on the organization. That is why the Congress is getting divided in the battle of ego. Political analyst Virendra Singh believes that like in Punjab, the central leadership will have to take tough and concrete decisions in Haryana. Otherwise, the days ahead may be troublesome for the Congress.

On this occasion, the selection of the candidate was also heavy.

Dr. Ramji Lal, former principal of Dyal Singh College and well versed in Haryana’s politics, said that the way Congress changed its candidate at the last moment, it was their first defeat. Disappointed his workers by giving ticket to Pawan Beniwal, who came from BJP. Somehow this broke the morale of Bharat Beniwal. At the same time, a good message did not go to the Congress workers also. Congress workers remained inactive throughout the election. So Congress is in this position now.

Congress needs contemplation

However, Congress now needs to reflect and contemplate. Because the Congress could neither cash in on the peasant movement, nor the inflation nor the anger of the people. This is a complete failure of Congress. And for this, questions are being raised on the role of Kumari Selja. However, even Bhupendra Hooda could not be absolved of the responsibility. Because he is not only the leader of the opposition, but is also seen establishing himself as a Jat leader. In such a situation, his caste hold on the Ellenabad seat did not show any strength.

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