‘Elections Should be Fair’: Prez to Appoint ECs, CEC on Advise of Committee Comprising PM, LoP & CJI, Says SC

Last Update: March 02, 2023, 11:35 AM IST

Supreme Court of India (File photo: PTI)

Supreme Court of India (File photo: PTI)

A committee comprising the Prime Minister, the LoP and the Chief Justice of India will take a decision till a law is made in this regard.

The Supreme Court on Thursday gave its verdict on the appointment of the chief. Election Commissioner (CEC) and Election Commissioners (EC) will be headed by a committee comprising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Leader of the Opposition and the Chief Justice. India DY Chandrachud, until a law is made in this regard.

They will give their suggestions to the President, who in turn will make an appeal to the CEC and EC.

A five-judge constitution bench headed by Justice KM Joseph, in a unanimous judgement, said the rule would remain in force until a law is made by Parliament on the issue.

The Supreme Court said that if there is no leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha, then the leader of the largest opposition party will be in the committee to appoint the CEC and EC.

The bench delivered its verdict on petitions seeking a collegium-like system for the appointment of Election Commissioners and Chief Election Commissioner.

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