Election ticket distribution dispute among farmers: Rajewal and Chadhuni group clashed; Haryana farmers are giving 9 tickets instead of 25 to the leader

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  • Punjab Election Ticket 2022; Balbir Rajewal Gurnam Singh Chaduni Group controversy over ticket distribution

Chandigarh9 hours ago

There has been a fight among farmers in Punjab over ticket distribution. Haryana’s farmer leader Gurnam Chadhuni is demanding 25 election tickets, while 22 farmers’ organizations in Punjab, led by farmer leader Balbir Rajewal, are ready to give him only nine. Rajewal and Chadhuni group have clashed over this. Ruldu Singh Mansa, leader of 22 organizations of Punjab said that Chadhuni has a union. For that reason, tickets are being given to them. There should be no problem in this.

Chadhuni has formed the United Sangharsh Party after the movement.  They say that Rajewal Group should give us 25 seats, otherwise we will field our candidates on all seats.

Chadhuni has formed the United Sangharsh Party after the movement. They say that Rajewal Group should give us 25 seats, otherwise we will field our candidates on all seats.

We are separate party, give more seats to Rajewal: Chadhuni Group
Prince Wadach of the Chadhuni Group said that they have a separate United Sangharsh Party. In such a situation, he is tying up with the United Samaj Morcha of farmers’ organizations of Punjab. There are other unions associated with them. She also wants a ticket from the party. This feud doesn’t seem to be over yet.

22 farmers' organizations of Punjab are in the fray by forming a United Samaj Morcha.  This group says that there is only one union of Chadhuni.  They are being given seats accordingly.

22 farmers’ organizations of Punjab are in the fray by forming a United Samaj Morcha. This group says that there is only one union of Chadhuni. They are being given seats accordingly.

If you do not talk to you, then the farmer alone in the field
The farmers’ organization of Punjab wanted to contest the elections in alliance with the Aam Aadmi Party. Balbir Rajewal also said this many times that he may have an alliance with AAP. On Wednesday, AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal said in Mohali that when Rajewal came to him, 90 tickets had been given. Rajewal was asking for 60 tickets, which was not possible at that time. I had offered 10 to 15 seats, so it didn’t work out.

Rajewal not giving us proper seats: Chadhuni
Haryana farmer leader Gurnam Chadhuni said that after the agitation was over, Rajewal made an advice to participate in the elections. Nothing was talked about this to me. 6 organizations of Majha area are with us. They are forcing us and not giving proper seats. Rajewal Group give us 25 seats, otherwise we will field our candidates on all seats.

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